Enigma Kayaks Fishing Pro 12
A quick and stable angling kayak with great outfitting
The Fishing Pro 12 from the Enigma kayaks stable is a great all-rounder for a variety of fishing locations. Including sheltered inshore coastal waters lakes, lochs, canals and slow moving rivers. At 12 foot in length, the Pro 12 provides a nice, stable fishing platform with enough of a waterline length to ensure that it tracks well, and can cover the miles more efficiently than shorter fishing kayaks (such as the Cruise Angler). Although the Fishing Pro 12 is recommended for sheltered waters, it can also cope with small to moderate swell and chop on breezier days.
This model is well appointed to allow the paddler to fish in comfort, with many features designed to maximise days out and the kayak to work as an effective angling kayak. For hands free trolling and surf landing, there are 2x flush mounted rod holders situated out of the way behind the seat position. A full set of scupper plugs is included as standard to provide a drier ride on calm days out. The hatch cover conveniently situated between the paddlers knees is closed off from the main hull of the kayak so that the hull won’t flood if a large wave catches the user off guard. It also has a useful graduated moulded in measure (to check on the size of the fish), and inserts to fit Cannon Rod Holders (supplied separately).
The Enigma Kayaks Fishing Pro 12 also comes supplied with a retractable toe controlled rudder system that assists the paddler in making tighter turns when the need for greater manoeuvrability comes into play, such as alongside reed beds or rocky inlets. The rudder also helps the boat to track on windier days, especially when crossing more open water with a crosswind blowing. The Fishing Pro 12 comes equipped with a Deluxe Backrest for comfort whilst fishing and paddling.
Along with all the kayaks from the Enigma kayaks brand, the Pro 12 is manufactured in Low dentisty plastic to bring the cost down for the end user. For those looking for the highest quality roto-moulded kayaks, then other brands we supply offer boats moulded in High and/or Medium density polyethylene but at a higher price point. Overall the Fishing Pro 12 offers superb value for money and is perhaps an ideal choice for those looking to purchase their first fishing kayak and working on a tight budget.
- Length 3.63m
- Width 0.78m
- Height 0.35m
- Weight 31kg
- Manufacturers Weight Capacity: 160kg
- Side Carry Handles
- Rear Storage Area
- 2x Flush Mount Rod Holders
- Paddle Park
- Centre Hatch Console
- Bow Storage Hatch with Access into the Hull
- Over-stern Rudder System with Toe Control Footrests
- Self Draining Scupper Holes (scupper plugs included)
- Drain Bung
- Manufactured from LLDPE plastic
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