Dagger Rewind Action+
Prices: £824.25 — £934.15
White Water Half Slice Kayaks
The Dagger Rewind Action+ has become an instant classic across the globe, and is proving well suited to UK rivers. Primarily designed for downriver play, in the right hands it can be capable of charging higher grade white waters.
The Dagger Rewind has a nice high bow with a good amount of foot room for longer legs or bigger feet. This along with its slicey tail allows for stern stall, pivot turns and releasing quickly when lining up on drops. The accentuated rocker combined with its brilliant rails allows for smoother, more forgiving control and excellent on the water performance.
Available in three sizes to accommodate a wide range of paddler weights, the Action+ spec costs less than the Creeker spec but it also weights less for carry-backs. Coming with a ratchet adjustable backband, adjustable foot plate, Contour Lite Hip Pads and Seat Pad as well as thigh braces and a foam central buoyancy pillar making it suitable for easier grades of white-water.
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