Werner Powerhouse
Prices: £322.99 — £519.99
Best Selling White-Water Paddle
The Powerhouse from Werner Paddles has a large sized blade as the name suggests, offering an extremely powerful paddle. Ideally suited for river running and steep creeking on your local UK run or when venturing further afield. Full size blades are evenly balanced to create a clean catch that is immediately powerful and smooth throughout the entire stroke.
Extremely popular with both aspiring white-water warriors and the best paddlers in the world. The Powerhouse has proven itself over the years as the go-to paddle thank to its legendary performance, strength and durability. Available in various lengths to suit different height paddlers and boat lengths. The paddler also has a choice of translucent glass-fibre blades, or stiffer and lighter carbon-fibre blades. The buy links from this webpage will be for 45 degree right-handed Powerhouses (the most popular choice). Please contact us if you require left-handed or a different blade feather option.
The Powerhouse is also offered as a 4-part breakdown emergency paddle. This will fit in the back of most modern white-water boats, and if the need ever arises to get it out, then the paddler can rely on all the Werner reliability and performance found in their 1 piece Powerhouse. For paddlers who are looking for the same superb strength and blade shape, the Werner Sherpa offers the same winning shape, and lay-ups as the Powerhouse but on a slightly smaller mid-sized blade.
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