Dropracks Roof Racks
Side Elevating Roof Rack System
A lowering roofrack platform which can be easily loaded/ unloaded off the side of your vehicle. Suitable for smaller cars and vans the DropRacks Regular is perfect for any and all adventures regardless of what you wish to take with you.
A roof platform which can be easily raised and lowered to convience loading. This platform can be fitted to take a wide range of accessories; roof tents, roof boxes, canoe and kayak carriers, bike racks and more so no matter the adventure it's easier to take it with you.
Specifically designed to accommodate taller vehicles and vans, the DropRacks TVE offers an unparalleled ease of loading canoes, kayaks, bikes or snow equipment to make it as easy as possible to load up regardless of the adventure you are seeking.
Solution to mounting dropracks systems to vehicles with fixpoint roof mountings, avaiable in a range of sizes to suit popular fix point roofs.
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