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Accessory Cord, Deck Bungess & Floating Rope

For Upgrading & Outfitting Canoes & Kayaks

We stock a wide range of ready-made tapes, but also sell cord, floating rope, bungee and tape off the reel for individual outfitting requirements.

Floating Rope

Available in either 8mm or 10mm thickness, excellent for a variety of uses including painters, end loops or anchor systems.


Multi-filament 5mm Cord

Suitable for kayak deck lines and outfitting accessories


Beal Accessory Cord

CE approved and load tested to high breaking strains. Ideal for airbag lacing, securing floatation or creating prussic loops.


5mm Bungee Cord

Ideal for criss-cross deck or tank well storage lines and many other watercraft uses, sold by the metre.


Palm Floating Rope 11mm (Rescue Grade)

High tensile 11mm floating rope, rescue grade safety rope. Sold by the metre


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