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Beluga Security Cable

Beluga Security Cable

Beluga Security Cable

Roof Rack Anti-Theft Cable for Canoes & Kayaks

This canoe and kayak security cable is an easy and convenient way to keep your boat safe when on the roof of your car. The cable has been designed to work without a padlock, by means of a solid plastic cylinder that is shut into the interior of the vehicle. Either through the boot or door, so there's no need to worry about looking after an extra key.

The cable is threaded through any security loops/bars on a kayak (if present) or through the scupper holes/moulded in handles on sit on top kayaks before going inside the vehicle. It can also be threaded around canoe seats if you are transporting an open boat. The plastic-coated cable provides both a visual and physical deterrent to wood be thieves.

If used with a padlock (not included) the cable can also be used to one or more canoes or kayaks to an immobile object such as tree, lamposts or railings. The cable can also be used to lock pushbikes onto the car roof rack.


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