Roof Rack Straps
Prices: £16.95 — £19.95
Heavy Duty Cam Buckle Straps (Pair)
The perfect solution for securely loading all makes and model of kayak and canoe onto vehicle roof rack/bars. Constructed from heavy duty 25mm webbing and featuring a stainless steel cam buckle. Cam buckles are generally considered the best sort of buckle as the force pulled through to tighten the strap is pulled by the user, rather than a ratchet style that can be easily over tightened, with the risk of deforming the hull.
Simple to use, and are available in 3 or 5 metre lengths. 3 metres should fit most white-water, closed cockpit touring and sea kayaks, and we would recommend 5 metres for open canoes and sit-on top kayaks. If you are unsure which length, please get in touch (or opt for the 5 metre straps). Unlike cheaper straps or bungee’s, these straps are rated to an incredible 250kg breaking strain.
Other nice features include a small rubberised, minicell foam pad behind the buckle. This helps to protect the boat and also vehicle paintwork from the metal buckle. Also, they are only available in a high-vis Yellow colour, making them easy to spot when lying on the ground or when fumbling around in car boots after a long day on the water.
- Spring loaded cam buckles with neoprene load protector
- 25mm width heavy duty webbing
- Available as pairs in 3 & 5m lengths
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