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Aftermarket rudder kit to fit Gumotex Seawave, Seashine and Rush 2.

Gumotex Rudder Kit (to fit Seawave, Seashine or Rush 2 models)

Gumotex Rudder Kit

Rudder Kit to fit a number of Gumotex boats

The addition of a Gumotex Rudder Kit to the; Framura, Seawave, Rush 2 or Seashine will provide a nice upgrade and improved onwater performance. Having the ability to drop down and engage the rudder blade allows for greater manouverability, and a smaller turning circle. It also allows the paddlers to 'trim' the kayak on windy days or when paddling in currents, to help the kayak track in a straightline. This results in a more efficient kayak, and allows for less concentration on steering, and for more time spent enjoying the ride.

Mounting the Rudder Kit onto the back of the kayak is  simple process, and once installed toe-pedal controls make adjuting the rudder direction simple and quick to operate. The rudder blade can alos be raised/lowered using the uphaul lines, without the need to get out of the kayak. Especially useful when entering shallow waters, or launching from sandy beaches.


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