Canoe & Kayak Throwlines
Throw Bags For White Water Safety and Rescue
Easy to use and repack reliable throw-line from Peak available in 15 or 20m length
The go to throw bag for many paddlers, 8.5mm floating rope, 20m length.
Palm Pro Throwline 15m 20m 25m
Available in a choice of 3 sizes, each using 11mm diameter floating rope.
Available in a choice of 3 sizes, each using 8mm floating rope with wide opening bags and removable waist belts.
Multi-functional rescue system that can be used as a tow line, safety line or as a sea drogue when sea kayaking.
Mini throwbag, small enough to fit in many white water buoyancy aid pockets - 9m of 7.5mm floating rope.
Quick release waist belt for carrying a throwline, keeps your hands free on the riverbank
Quick release rescue belt with quick release throwline attachment as well as SUP lease attachment loop
Versatile quick release waist belt for carrying a throwline, attaching a SUP leash along with a clamshell pocket for carrying
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