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Canoe & Kayak Throwlines

Throw Bags For White Water Safety and Rescue

We stock a range of Throwlines for kayak and canoe rescue situations, from the leading brands such as Palm, Peak, and HF. We are always happy to offer advice and guidance for choosing the right product for you, so please get in touch if you would like any assistance.

Peak PS Throwline

Easy to use and repack reliable throw-line from Peak available in 15 or 20m length


HF Weasel 18m

Compact throw line with  18m of 7.5mm high-quality floating rope


Palm Lightning 18m

18m throwline with 8mm floating line


HF Compact 20m

The go to throw bag for many paddlers, 8.5mm floating rope, 20m length.


Palm Pro Throwline 15m 20m 25m

Available in a choice of 3 sizes, each using 11mm diameter floating rope.


Yak Throw Bag 15m 20m 25m

Available in a choice of 3 sizes, each using 8mm floating rope with wide opening bags and removable waist belts.


HF Throw Tow

Multi-functional rescue system that can be used as a tow line, safety line or as a sea drogue when sea kayaking.


HF Little Fish

Mini throwbag, small enough to fit in many white water buoyancy aid pockets - 9m of 7.5mm floating rope.


Peak Guide Belt

Quick release waist belt for carrying a throwline, keeps your hands free on the riverbank


Palm Quick Rescue belt

Quick release rescue belt with quick release throwline attachment as well as SUP lease attachment loop


Palm Quick Pro Belt

 Versatile quick release waist belt for carrying a throwline, attaching a SUP leash along with a clamshell pocket for carrying


HF Swifty Throwline Belt

The ultimate throwline belt with loops for additional equipment


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