Swift Canoes Keewaydin 16
Prices: £3495.00 — £4295.00
Recommended Accessories

Swift Canoes Yoke Pad
Lightweight Asyhmetric Touring Canoe
The Swift Keewaydin 16 canoe has been designed by renowned canoe designer David Yost, and are primarily built for calm water paddling or what Canadian paddlers like to call tripping. The sleek lines of the Keewaydins (16ft, 17ft and 18.6ft) are ideal for cruising on calm, sheltered water. With the hull shape designed to accelerate well and glide efficiently between strokes. The soft, rounded chines (edges close to the waterline) are forgiving and allow small chop and waves to roll under the hull, rather than deflect off squared sides.
The Keewaydin 16 makes a nice tandem day-tripping for couples looking to get out on the water and make some nice progress on covering the miles. The Keewaydin can also be outfitted as a Combi Canoe, that has a 3rd seat and no central yoke. This combination means the Combi Canoe is extremely versatile, as it can be paddled by three, two or one person (from the 3rd seat). The 3rd seat position is extremely well located, as it balances the boat when 3 paddlers are on board, or offers the ideal position for when paddling solo.
Those looking to paddle longer distances such as Scottish Lochs, or wishing to carry several nights worth of food and camping equipment should look at the Keewaydin 17. With a longer waterline length to promote better tracking and a faster top-end cruising speed, it also has a greater carrying capacity than the Keewaydin 16 so better suited for loading up. For those looking for multiple paddlers, an even longer waterline and the biggest carrying capacity, Swift offer the Keewaydin 18.6 (available to order).
All the Keewaydin canoes are asymmetric in shape, giving the boat a definitive front and rear end with any number of people padding them. This provides the Keewaydin with less stern rocker and a slightly more pronounced bow rocker which allows for a gentle turn when manoeuvring the canoe, rather than it skidding/slipping out. The asymmetric shape also is slightly narrower towards the bow, and fuller through the stern, so the boat keeps its overall volume.
As with all the standard Swift Canoes we import into the UK, the outfitting on the Keewaydin is considered top-end. With strength, lightness and careful thought being put into the components used to outfit the boats. Carbon/Kevlar gunnels are extremely light, yet durable and are infused into the hulls Kevlar Fusion material for superior strength. The Kevlar Fusion hull is popular due to its high strength to weight ratio, providing great abrasion and impact resistance (as far as composite boats go).
- 2x Cherry contoured, webbed seats.
- Built-In buoyancy chambers at either end.
- Bow and stern cherry handles.
- Cherry central yoke (not included on combi model).
- Kevlar Fusion hull material.
- Black and Gold Carbon/Kevlar integral gunnels.
- Two-tone colour scheme.
- Keewaydin 16 Combi has 3rd cherry contoured webbed seat fitted and removable cherry yoke.
- Length: 16'
- Gunwale Width: 32"
- Maximum Width: 35"
- Waterline Width: 32"
- Centre Depth: 13"
- Bow Height: 20"
- Stern Height: 17"
- Bow Rocker: 2"
- Stern Rocker: 1.25"
- Weight (Keewaydin 16 in Kevlar Fusion with Carbon/Kevlar Gunnels): 38lbs / 17.3kg
- Weight (Keewaydin 16 Combi in Kevlar Fusion with Carbon/Kevlar Gunnels): 39lbs / 17.7kg
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