Solo Lightweight Canoes and Open Boats
A pleasure to paddle & easy to transport / carry
Not everyone wants to canoe in tandem with a paddling partner and many prefer the independence of a solo canoe or pack boat when taking to the water. The main advantage of owning a solo canoe is weight (they are often smaller than 2-person canoes), more manoeuvrable and easier to lift, carry, and transport on a vehicle (especially when loading up alone). Pack boats are also narrow enough to easily use a double-bladed kayak paddle from a sitting position, and many people prefer the support of a pack boat seat, rather than a traditional canoe seat.
If you have any questions relating to lightweight canoes or would like to discuss a custom boat build (from either Swift or Nova Craft) and how to pre-order into the UK, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with of the team here at Manchester Canoes who would be happy to help.
Telephone:01925 818437
A short (by canoe standards) compact and extremely quick canoe best suited to slighter paddlers. This lightweight canoe features a pack style carbon kayak seat and with sleek curved gunnels can be easily paddled with either a traditional canoe paddle or a kayak paddle.
Nova Craft Prospector 14 TuffStuff
The classic Prospector hull-shape designed specifically for solo paddlers who prefer a light, scaled down version. Perfect for exploring secluded backwaters and meandering rivers.
A lightweight solo open canoe from the home of open boating, the Trapper 12 is wide, stable and easy to paddle, perfect for fishing, mini expeditions and paddling with a four-legged friend.
One of the smallest and lightest triple-layer canoes available, a great balance of agility, size, weight and of course Old Towns renowned durability. Perfect for solo getaways, and taking small amounts of kit, or perhaps a faithful hound.
A great size pack-boat designed for all users, carrying extra kit, a furry friend or even a small child out onto the water.
The smallest, lightest Prospector we have encountered (11.8kg) and fitted out with one webbed seat for solo use.
Stable and lovely to paddle, the Prospector 14 is Swifts most popular solo canoe in North America, and now available in the UK. A much sought after lightweight, dedicated solo Prospector ideal for a vast array of waterways.
We're the leading supplier of THULE Car Roof Racks in the North West.
A classic 1990’s solo canoe design, re-engineered to incorporate Swift’s resin infusion process. A fast cruising boat for experienced paddlers.
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